Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Is It Time For A Conservative Awakening In Europe?

Many have asked the question, what will it take to get Europe back on track?  I think we can all agree what needs to happen, the conservative movement must move forward.  Socialism has had it's grip on most of Europe for a few generations and of course a large part of it fell to communism(which I don't think I need to explain). 

The roots of socialism are firmly planted in Europe other than a couple pockets, but it even looks like France is going to fall back into socialist hands.  Although I had high hopes when Sarkozy took power, it has not lead to much of a renaissance in the way of starting a movement throughout Europe.  These socialist roots have put most of Europe in a horrible financial mess, from Spain, to Greece to many of the old communist block countries.  There is blood in the streets of Greece because of the austerity measures that the government has had to take to try to get their finances back in order, same goes for Spain and Portugal.  What the majority of Europeans have become accustomed to is living for today and forgetting about tomorrow.  Living beyond their means, giving into organized labour and allowing everyone to feed at the government trough.

So, how do we cure this problem before it becomes any worse?  Unfortunately I don't think the political will is there, you see everyone all the way up to the politicians, are feeding from the same trough and until some leader comes along and awakens them there will not be any change.  Yes, they see what is going on in some of the other countries but is there even one politician who will stand up and say enough is enough?  Just what it will take is anyone's guess, but from my standpoint I see a day of reckoning coming for continental Europe, a day that will have far reaching consequences all over the world.  2008 was a bad year for most, times that by 2 or 3 and you will have the outcome of what could very well happen.  I don't want to sound like an alarmist but I do not see things ending up very well over there.

How will this affect you?  Well, just like 2008 I don't think anyone will come out unscathed, the results of this could be civil unrest in many countries, especially a place like the U.S. where they are having a hell of a time pulling out of the last recession.  We are more sheltered from Europe in Canada as we have secured good trading relations with Asia, but don't kid yourself into thinking we won't feel the pain.  This is a global problem, it is just that Europe is leading the way at the moment.  Our governments need to bring in benefit and pension reforms in the worst way or we will be in the same boat as Greece.  The Canadian Federal Government's unfunded pension liability stands at well over $200 billion, just how is this going to get paid?  On the backs of our children and our grand children?  I feel we need to wake up and do what is right for the country/world before we hand it over to our children where they will have no hope or no dreams of a better future.

Have a great rest of the day,


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