Note to all unions in Saskatchewan. You are placing your bet for the upcoming election. Well, I am placing mine, and I am guessing people are tired of your worn out tactics in this province and how you say the right is something to be feared. We have had the right in power for close to four years now and what have they given us? Unlimited potential, thousands upon thousands of jobs, a secure province, reformed laws, better park system, infrastructure spending like never seen before, global inland terminal and so much more!
The advertising the unions are doing along with the strike action I think is going to backfire on them and in the end weaken the unions to the point that some may be broken. Right to work legislation is sweeping North America and you may be opening the door to it finally getting passed here. I have my fingers crossed that this happens because for far too long you have had to much say in how government operates. You have burdened our children and grandchildren with large unfunded pension liabilities and because of your greed slowed the growth of this province dramatically.
This government has done a very good job of running close to the centre of the political spectrum and we should really expect this, since it was the liberals and conservatives that came together to form the Sask Party. The far left ideologues at the top of the unions here in Saskatchewan want the public to think the opposite and that only by voting for their cherished NDP will this province be set on the right course. The problem is that the private sector is gaining much strength in the province and these people are the ones creating jobs, not government and certainly not unions. The people who have moved here for our way of life, opportunity and work will not vote in socialist as most have either come from socialist systems or a right of centre system, so they know what they want.
If you were to look at the government the unions want, you would find huge government, which means large union contracts with pension and benefits, large tax and spend operations and a welfare system that would make it more likely to have as many people on the system as off. Then compare that type of governing to what has transpired in Europe. Greece, Spain, Portugal and more, all have socialist systems who have run their country's economies into the ground. The riots in the streets of Athens would make Vancouver look small by comparison! Greece is now bringing in a right winged leader who is placing attrition laws into effect, this is a much needed step in order to fight their huge debt and CCC rating(which is the worst possible rating)
Now, we have a choice this year when it comes to the election, we can vote in the Sask Party and continue to prosper or we can vote in the NDP and bring back the days of large government, powerful unions and return to our socialist ways. I know how I will vote and have to believe that the majority of Saskatchewan residents feel the same. Do we want to become another Greece? I know I don't!
Like I said, you are placing your bet, sad thing is it's your children's and grandchildren's future that you are betting with!
The advertising the unions are doing along with the strike action I think is going to backfire on them and in the end weaken the unions to the point that some may be broken. Right to work legislation is sweeping North America and you may be opening the door to it finally getting passed here. I have my fingers crossed that this happens because for far too long you have had to much say in how government operates. You have burdened our children and grandchildren with large unfunded pension liabilities and because of your greed slowed the growth of this province dramatically.
This government has done a very good job of running close to the centre of the political spectrum and we should really expect this, since it was the liberals and conservatives that came together to form the Sask Party. The far left ideologues at the top of the unions here in Saskatchewan want the public to think the opposite and that only by voting for their cherished NDP will this province be set on the right course. The problem is that the private sector is gaining much strength in the province and these people are the ones creating jobs, not government and certainly not unions. The people who have moved here for our way of life, opportunity and work will not vote in socialist as most have either come from socialist systems or a right of centre system, so they know what they want.
If you were to look at the government the unions want, you would find huge government, which means large union contracts with pension and benefits, large tax and spend operations and a welfare system that would make it more likely to have as many people on the system as off. Then compare that type of governing to what has transpired in Europe. Greece, Spain, Portugal and more, all have socialist systems who have run their country's economies into the ground. The riots in the streets of Athens would make Vancouver look small by comparison! Greece is now bringing in a right winged leader who is placing attrition laws into effect, this is a much needed step in order to fight their huge debt and CCC rating(which is the worst possible rating)
Now, we have a choice this year when it comes to the election, we can vote in the Sask Party and continue to prosper or we can vote in the NDP and bring back the days of large government, powerful unions and return to our socialist ways. I know how I will vote and have to believe that the majority of Saskatchewan residents feel the same. Do we want to become another Greece? I know I don't!
Like I said, you are placing your bet, sad thing is it's your children's and grandchildren's future that you are betting with!
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