This is a good first step, I think Premier Wall is starting to draw the line in the sand with these unions, which I think it the right thing to do. Next Mr. Wall, introduce right to work legislation!
Premier recalling MLAs to deal with strike
CBC News
Posted: Jun 23, 2011 8:41 AM CST
Last Updated: Jun 23, 2011 11:34 AM CST
Wall made the announcement Thursday morning, a day after he said he'd give the union representing Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corp. workers 24 hours to get back to work.
On Tuesday, crop insurance workers with the Saskatchewan Government and General Employees' Union walked off the job to underline their contract demands.
That led to Wall's 24-hour ultimatum Wednesday morning.
MLAs will now meet on Monday and will be asked to force the striking workers back to work.
The deadline for the strike to end — around 10:45 a.m. CST Thursday — came and went with no deal.
In his letter Wednesday to SGEU president Bob Bymoen, Wall said it was "appalling" and "unconscionable" that the strike would happen while many farmers continue to struggle with flooding.
Crop insurance workers include adjusters who process claims for failed crops or unseedable acres. The union represents about 470 crop insurance workers.
Later in the day Wednesday, the union contacted management and talks restarted at a downtown Regina hotel.
Negotiations wrapped around midnight and continued Thursday morning, but SGEU said there was no progress.
The union says it's being offered a 5 per cent wage increase over three years, which it says is unacceptable.
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