It has been going on for a few months now, the storm that is threatening all dictatorships in the middle east does not seem to be letting up. The question is where should the west stand in this situation? Do we take it country by country or should we give our support and backing to any such movement?
I feel our governments have been too slow to react to what is going on, there are thousands dying in the streets fighting for the same freedoms that we enjoy everyday. Sure Canada doesn't have the military capacity to help too too much but when it comes to support I think we need to be very vocal leader on the world stage. We need to stand up and say out loud that we support any group who is fighting for democracy. It is a human right and I don't think pledging our support to these groups will do us any harm. It will show the people of the middle east that they have our support which, in the end, will help ease the tensions between the middle east and the west.
The west cannot afford to sit back and watch this all happen. By getting involved on a larger scale we are showing solidarity with our fellow human beings that simply want the same rights and freedoms that we have. By getting involved more now will slow the growth of terrorist organizations within these countries. These terrorist organizations are getting more and more involved in order to take advantage of the situation and gain access to the influential leaders of the opposition. This approach has been take by Al Qaeda as witnessed in the documents gained by the raid that killed Bin Laden. This should serve as a wake up call to the western nations to get their act together. I am not saying invade all areas but there is other ways to support. There is humanitarian help, financial help, embargoes, training and much more. I am sure there is operatives on the ground in many of these states but that is not letting the opposition groups know that we are behind them.
Our country, Canada is missing a huge opportunity here. An opportunity that may only present itself once in a lifetime, and that is to become a global leader. We are well respected in the world but we can do more, be a front runner in showing support, we don't need to wait for the U.S., Britain or anyone else for that matter, let's take the lead! For example, there is enough evidence coming out of Syria to take to the UN and start laying charges against the Assad regime on human right abuses and maybe even genocide(or something similar). It would be nice if we were on the Security Council of the UN but it still does not mean we cannot lobby for action.
Problem with the UN Security Council is that it is not run in a true democratic way, it is not a majority wins type of system. China and Russia are always fighting back at the western nations when it comes to action to be taken because it may shine a light on their own human rights problems that exist at home. This system needs to be changed in order for the UN to become the power it was intended to be. The U.S. cannot police the world like it has been for generations, that should fall on the UN but because of the way it is run it is very difficult to get any resolution in place. It only takes one vote against to cancel any resolution that is on the table, in fact China and Russia abstained on the vote to take action on the Libyan front. Russian has since thrown it's support behind the opposition group but still not a word out of China of course.
So in all, I call on the Canadian Government to take the lead in the international debate, we can make noise even without a Security Council seat. Our provincial governments should be putting pressure on the PM to take a stand. I am sure there is a lot of back room deals going on but that doesn't show support to the ones that need it, we as citizens of one of the best countries in the world, need our leaders to take a stand against tyranny. Call your MP today and voice your concerns and opinions on this matter and lets stop this bloodshed once and for all!
I feel our governments have been too slow to react to what is going on, there are thousands dying in the streets fighting for the same freedoms that we enjoy everyday. Sure Canada doesn't have the military capacity to help too too much but when it comes to support I think we need to be very vocal leader on the world stage. We need to stand up and say out loud that we support any group who is fighting for democracy. It is a human right and I don't think pledging our support to these groups will do us any harm. It will show the people of the middle east that they have our support which, in the end, will help ease the tensions between the middle east and the west.
The west cannot afford to sit back and watch this all happen. By getting involved on a larger scale we are showing solidarity with our fellow human beings that simply want the same rights and freedoms that we have. By getting involved more now will slow the growth of terrorist organizations within these countries. These terrorist organizations are getting more and more involved in order to take advantage of the situation and gain access to the influential leaders of the opposition. This approach has been take by Al Qaeda as witnessed in the documents gained by the raid that killed Bin Laden. This should serve as a wake up call to the western nations to get their act together. I am not saying invade all areas but there is other ways to support. There is humanitarian help, financial help, embargoes, training and much more. I am sure there is operatives on the ground in many of these states but that is not letting the opposition groups know that we are behind them.
Our country, Canada is missing a huge opportunity here. An opportunity that may only present itself once in a lifetime, and that is to become a global leader. We are well respected in the world but we can do more, be a front runner in showing support, we don't need to wait for the U.S., Britain or anyone else for that matter, let's take the lead! For example, there is enough evidence coming out of Syria to take to the UN and start laying charges against the Assad regime on human right abuses and maybe even genocide(or something similar). It would be nice if we were on the Security Council of the UN but it still does not mean we cannot lobby for action.
Problem with the UN Security Council is that it is not run in a true democratic way, it is not a majority wins type of system. China and Russia are always fighting back at the western nations when it comes to action to be taken because it may shine a light on their own human rights problems that exist at home. This system needs to be changed in order for the UN to become the power it was intended to be. The U.S. cannot police the world like it has been for generations, that should fall on the UN but because of the way it is run it is very difficult to get any resolution in place. It only takes one vote against to cancel any resolution that is on the table, in fact China and Russia abstained on the vote to take action on the Libyan front. Russian has since thrown it's support behind the opposition group but still not a word out of China of course.
So in all, I call on the Canadian Government to take the lead in the international debate, we can make noise even without a Security Council seat. Our provincial governments should be putting pressure on the PM to take a stand. I am sure there is a lot of back room deals going on but that doesn't show support to the ones that need it, we as citizens of one of the best countries in the world, need our leaders to take a stand against tyranny. Call your MP today and voice your concerns and opinions on this matter and lets stop this bloodshed once and for all!
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