We have riots in the streets of London, Al Shabaab fighting to keep western aid from reaching millions of starving people in Africa, stock markets around the world on a roller coaster ride from hell, mass killing going on in Syria and an American president who has failed his people on the economy, just to name a few.
It is a world in turmoil, the likes we probably have not seen since the second world war and it doesn't look like it will get better any time soon. Which begs the question, what can we do to fix things? My common sense solutions below.
Our world for the most part has been living life like socialists for far too long. Even the right side of the political spectrum has been giving free hand outs far too often. We need to get back to our roots, where people were not afraid to put in an honest days work, raise a family, and expect nothing from government unless it is an unforeseen circumstance such as drought, hurricanes, earthquakes and the like. Far too often we look to government to step in when times are tough, instead of rolling up our sleeves and getting to work like our forefathers did. If we truly want change we have to look inside ourselves and decide that change has to start from within. We are the ones who need to change, we need to stop with the handouts, dig deep and get things done!
Solution for anarchy in London and everywhere else. Make the people pay for their actions! Too long have we allowed this kind of stuff to go on without serious consequences. Sure, have your peaceful demonstrations but if you get out of line you are going to jail, it is that simple. How many of these people would be out doing what they do if they knew that they would get much, much more than a slap on the wrist? If the justice system actually enforced the law these people would be looking at years in jail. It is time to make the justice system work the way it is supposed too and stop pandering to the far left. This will bring people back down to earth and make them accountable for their actions. The use of rubber bullets, tear gas, and other methods should be allowed as soon as the police see actions like this ongoing. These anarchists will soon fall in line, or at least learn how to have a peaceful demonstration.
Starvation in Africa. This can be called a man made disaster, yes the drought is out of our hands but the price of food has also played a very large roll in this. The price of food is being driven by the countries such as China and India as well as others. But also adding to this is the use of food products being used to produce fuels. This action, especially in the U.S. and Canada has made grains much more expensive which in turn boosts costs of feeding livestock and other meats. What needs to be done, especially in the States is a move to a more efficient product such as switchgrass. This stuff can be grown anywhere and does not consume as much energy to produce biofuels. The energy needs of the U.S. can also be alleviated by drilling for fuels at home. There has been too much of this "not in my backyard" B.S. and for generations the U.S. has not allowed energy companies to drill some very large economical areas that would dramatically decrease the country's dependence on Middle Eastern oil. This would mean jobs, taxes and much much more for the U.S. economy, something they dearly need. But first the left need to get the hell out of the way and let the people who actually want to help the country do their job! There is enough natural gas in the U.S. to last generations, which will buy them enough time to develop other means of energy that are currently under development. It is a band aid on the problem but one that could tie them over until these new energy strategies come to fruition.
The U.S. economy and it's affect on the world as a whole. The powers that be in Washington need to start working for the people and not for their own political agendas. There needs to be serious cuts to spending, not this piece of junk that they tabled last week which does nothing to cut their debt. It in fact allows the debt to grow to 20 trillion dollars by the year 2020. 20 Trillion Bucks!!! You think things are bad now, just think what their debt rating will be like by 2020! Everything needs to be cut, the people just need to wake up and realize that they will have to do with less. Less government handouts, less entitlement spending, less government employment opportunities and yes, less unions and their constant drag on a nations ability to compete on the international stage. But this goes back to the change we need to find within ourselves, it starts at home and then you can hold your politicians accountable. The Nancy Pelosi's of the world need to be run out of politics and vote in someone who will make the tough decisions, not the easy ones that will garner a lot of votes. It is this way of thinking that has gotten us into this mess and it needs to change or the mess will just keep piling up. The people in the U.S. need to also get over the "I don't pay tax" way of thinking. In order to get this debt paid down a national tax on consumption is a must. Everyone pays it on goods and services, not just the rich, and middle class. The nice thing about a consumption tax is that it is a fair system that will tax the rich way more because they obviously would consume much more than the lower classes. The national consumption tax would bring in un-foretold amounts of income to the federal government and help them get their great country back on track. Tea Party, GOP, DEMS, it doesn't matter who you are, get your act together and do what is right for the country!
The Middle East uprising has been a missed opportunity for the west to show that we are behind our fellow brothers and sisters. Our politicians are too slow to react and typically the reaction is not strong enough to prove solidarity. We need actions, not just words. Add in the U.N. which is being run like a kangaroo court and needs to make wholesale changes in order for it to be legit once again. The security council laws need to change to make it majority rule instead of giving the permanent members the ability to quash anything that they disagree with. It is either that or do away with the security council and let the vote happen between all member nations of the U.N. where 50% plus one means action. This ability by Russia and China to hand tie the security council from recommending action is ridiculous and has made the U.N. the laughing stock of the world. It no longer is legitimate and unless changes happen it will remain this way. For far too long the U.S. and it's allies have had to police the world at it's expense. If any action is needed in the world it should be international law that all expenses are shared by those who are part of the U.N. and then all money recouped by the country that has needed the help. Then the trillions of dollars the U.S. spends in taking action would come back the the U.S. people, sounds fair doesn't it? It has cost the U.S. a trillion dollars or more going into Iraq and Iran to liberate them, should this money not be paid back over time?
These are just some common sense solutions to a few of the world's problems, there are many more problems of course but these are the major ones right now and if these changes are made the world's economy would have a chance at stabilizing and the markets would return to normal. Again, it is time to hold our politicians accountable and right the ship before it gets consumed by the wave of socialism.
It is a world in turmoil, the likes we probably have not seen since the second world war and it doesn't look like it will get better any time soon. Which begs the question, what can we do to fix things? My common sense solutions below.
Our world for the most part has been living life like socialists for far too long. Even the right side of the political spectrum has been giving free hand outs far too often. We need to get back to our roots, where people were not afraid to put in an honest days work, raise a family, and expect nothing from government unless it is an unforeseen circumstance such as drought, hurricanes, earthquakes and the like. Far too often we look to government to step in when times are tough, instead of rolling up our sleeves and getting to work like our forefathers did. If we truly want change we have to look inside ourselves and decide that change has to start from within. We are the ones who need to change, we need to stop with the handouts, dig deep and get things done!
Solution for anarchy in London and everywhere else. Make the people pay for their actions! Too long have we allowed this kind of stuff to go on without serious consequences. Sure, have your peaceful demonstrations but if you get out of line you are going to jail, it is that simple. How many of these people would be out doing what they do if they knew that they would get much, much more than a slap on the wrist? If the justice system actually enforced the law these people would be looking at years in jail. It is time to make the justice system work the way it is supposed too and stop pandering to the far left. This will bring people back down to earth and make them accountable for their actions. The use of rubber bullets, tear gas, and other methods should be allowed as soon as the police see actions like this ongoing. These anarchists will soon fall in line, or at least learn how to have a peaceful demonstration.
Starvation in Africa. This can be called a man made disaster, yes the drought is out of our hands but the price of food has also played a very large roll in this. The price of food is being driven by the countries such as China and India as well as others. But also adding to this is the use of food products being used to produce fuels. This action, especially in the U.S. and Canada has made grains much more expensive which in turn boosts costs of feeding livestock and other meats. What needs to be done, especially in the States is a move to a more efficient product such as switchgrass. This stuff can be grown anywhere and does not consume as much energy to produce biofuels. The energy needs of the U.S. can also be alleviated by drilling for fuels at home. There has been too much of this "not in my backyard" B.S. and for generations the U.S. has not allowed energy companies to drill some very large economical areas that would dramatically decrease the country's dependence on Middle Eastern oil. This would mean jobs, taxes and much much more for the U.S. economy, something they dearly need. But first the left need to get the hell out of the way and let the people who actually want to help the country do their job! There is enough natural gas in the U.S. to last generations, which will buy them enough time to develop other means of energy that are currently under development. It is a band aid on the problem but one that could tie them over until these new energy strategies come to fruition.
The U.S. economy and it's affect on the world as a whole. The powers that be in Washington need to start working for the people and not for their own political agendas. There needs to be serious cuts to spending, not this piece of junk that they tabled last week which does nothing to cut their debt. It in fact allows the debt to grow to 20 trillion dollars by the year 2020. 20 Trillion Bucks!!! You think things are bad now, just think what their debt rating will be like by 2020! Everything needs to be cut, the people just need to wake up and realize that they will have to do with less. Less government handouts, less entitlement spending, less government employment opportunities and yes, less unions and their constant drag on a nations ability to compete on the international stage. But this goes back to the change we need to find within ourselves, it starts at home and then you can hold your politicians accountable. The Nancy Pelosi's of the world need to be run out of politics and vote in someone who will make the tough decisions, not the easy ones that will garner a lot of votes. It is this way of thinking that has gotten us into this mess and it needs to change or the mess will just keep piling up. The people in the U.S. need to also get over the "I don't pay tax" way of thinking. In order to get this debt paid down a national tax on consumption is a must. Everyone pays it on goods and services, not just the rich, and middle class. The nice thing about a consumption tax is that it is a fair system that will tax the rich way more because they obviously would consume much more than the lower classes. The national consumption tax would bring in un-foretold amounts of income to the federal government and help them get their great country back on track. Tea Party, GOP, DEMS, it doesn't matter who you are, get your act together and do what is right for the country!
The Middle East uprising has been a missed opportunity for the west to show that we are behind our fellow brothers and sisters. Our politicians are too slow to react and typically the reaction is not strong enough to prove solidarity. We need actions, not just words. Add in the U.N. which is being run like a kangaroo court and needs to make wholesale changes in order for it to be legit once again. The security council laws need to change to make it majority rule instead of giving the permanent members the ability to quash anything that they disagree with. It is either that or do away with the security council and let the vote happen between all member nations of the U.N. where 50% plus one means action. This ability by Russia and China to hand tie the security council from recommending action is ridiculous and has made the U.N. the laughing stock of the world. It no longer is legitimate and unless changes happen it will remain this way. For far too long the U.S. and it's allies have had to police the world at it's expense. If any action is needed in the world it should be international law that all expenses are shared by those who are part of the U.N. and then all money recouped by the country that has needed the help. Then the trillions of dollars the U.S. spends in taking action would come back the the U.S. people, sounds fair doesn't it? It has cost the U.S. a trillion dollars or more going into Iraq and Iran to liberate them, should this money not be paid back over time?
These are just some common sense solutions to a few of the world's problems, there are many more problems of course but these are the major ones right now and if these changes are made the world's economy would have a chance at stabilizing and the markets would return to normal. Again, it is time to hold our politicians accountable and right the ship before it gets consumed by the wave of socialism.
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